Photo of Jones Alejandra Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on September 11th 1951.

Member of excecutive Comitte A.C.I.A. International Ceramics Association in Argentina.

Organizer of the International Session of Contemporary Ceramics, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree: Master in Management Education, Matanza National University. Thesis on “The importance of Arts in Education”, Seminars in Cultural Management: “New Challenges in Cultural Management”...

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Photo of Jones Alejandra Argentina

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on September 11th 1951.

Member of excecutive Comitte A.C.I.A. International Ceramics Association in Argentina.

Organizer of the International Session of Contemporary Ceramics, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree: Master in Management Education, Matanza National University. Thesis on “The importance of Arts in Education”, Seminars in Cultural Management: “New Challenges in Cultural Management” National Institute of Cultural Administration; “Globalization and Cultural Management” (NICA) Cultural Office of the National Presidence; “Management on Cultural Organizations” Fine Arts Museum.

Ceramics studies with masters as: Vilma Villaverde, Marta Kearns, Emilio Renard, Yehuda Koren and Antonio Pujía, amongst others.

Postgrade Courses “2004, Taiwan Artist in Argentina” and “2005, Japonese Artists in Argentina” Misiones National University.

Artist in Residence at: Sambao Art Intitute, Gingdehzen, China, Octover 2007; Sargadelos Porcelain Factory 1994.

Grant at the Seminaries of Sargadelos, Lugo, Spain, 1992.

Teacher at High School on Fine Arts “Ernesto de la Cárcova”. I.U.N.A.

Wrote a book “Cerámica Raku, una técnica una pasión”, A.Jones-A.M. Divito, 1999, Edited by Belgrano’s University Foundation, sponsored by Buenos Aires City Government and the National Found of Arts. 2ª Edition:
Ed. Lumiere , May 2005.

Jury in different national awards.


o “New York State Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Comerse”, NY. USA, Sponsored by the Argentine Ministery of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Workship – In Argentina:
o “Casa de Yrurtia” Museum, Buenos Aires.
o “Museum of fine arts”, Tandil, Buenos Aires.
o Ayacucho Goverment, Pcia. de Bs.As, Argentina
o “En Flores” Art Galery, Buenos Aires.
o Sociedad Española de Belgrano, Buenos Aires.
o “SEGBA” art Galery, Buenos Aires.
o “San Martín Cultural Center”, Konstantes. Buenos Aires.


o 2008 Shanghai International Ceramic Invitation Exhibition & Literature Exhibition of World Contemporary Public Ceramic Art.
o 4th and 6th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramics, Egypt, sponsored by the Argentine Ministery of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Workship –
o 52º Concorso Internazionale della Ceramica, Faenza, Italia. Sponsored by the Argentine Ministery of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Workship –
o II and II International Trienal of the Ceramic Tile, Modern Art Museum, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic -
o XXVIII international Award Rafael Zabaleta, Jaen, Spain -
o Fletcher Challenge Ceramic Award. Auckland. New Zealand –
o Ceramic Millennium, Netherlands - Sponsored by the Argentine Ministery of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Workship –
o “Corrala de Santiago” art galery of Granada Universitie, Spain. Sponsored by the Argentine Ministery of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Workship.
o Oller-Campeche Art Gallery. New York. USA –
o The International Poters` Path, Wales, UK –
o 51st International Conference of International Education Asociation, NAFSA, Denver, USA –
o Sargadelos Art Gallery, Madrid. Spain. Sponsored by the Argentine Ministery of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Workship –
o “Cartel” Art Gallery, Málaga, Spain –
o “REPRESENTACIÓN” Art Gallery , Granada, Spain –
o “Museo Dr. José Bicca de Madeiros” Universidad da Regiao da Campanha. Alegrete . Brazil –
o Solanas Art Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay –
o National Arts Awards, Argentina –
o XLIII Anual Internacional Ceramic Award, “Argentine Ceramic Art Center” (CAAC) -
o XLII International Award, “Argentine Ceramic Art Center” (CAAC), Eduardo Sívori Museum –
o Quinquela Martín Museum. Buenos Aires. Argentina –
o 1st Exhibition & Sale of Contemporary Art, Argentine Chancellery –
o 50 years of Amnesty International, Palais de Glace Museum, Buenos Aires –
o “300 hands with 300 artists” . Eduardo Sívori Museum. Buenos Aires –
o Casa de Yrurtia Museum, Buenos Aires –
o “A” Art Gallery, Salta, Argentina -


o 1st. Acquisition Prize, National Rosario Ceramic Award –
o Unique Prize in Mural Section. National Award in Ceramics –
o Special Distinction of the Jury. National Award on Ceramics –
o 3rd Distinction , National Award in Ceramics –
o 1º Distintion, National Rosario Ceramic Award –
o 1st Prize in Sculpture. II Biannual Award, Art Association, La Plata –
o 1st Prize in Sculpture. Award on Small Size, Argentine Ceramic Art Center (CAAC) –
o 3rd Prize in Pottery on Annual Award C.A.A.C.-
o 1st Distinction in Murals, Small Size Award C.A.A.C. –
o 1st Prize Aliance Francaise Award, Fortabat's Fundation –
o 1st Prize in Sculpture. Dimension Art Center Award –
o 3rd Prize Raku Award. General San Martín Cultural Center -
o 2nd Prize. Small Size Award, CAAC –
o 3rd Distinction Mercosur Award. Paso de los Libres Corrientes -

COLLECTIONS: Work in Public Collections
o Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche. Faenza. Italy –
o Auckland Institute Museum, New Zealand –
o Universal Ceramic Museum, El Cairo. Egypt –
o Modern Art Museum, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic -
o Sargadelos Museum, Lugo. Spain –
o Fernando Arranz Ceramic Museum. Buenos Aires –
o Municipal Institute of Avellaneda Museum. Buenos. Aires –
o (M.I.C) Museo Internacional de Cerámica Contemporanea, San Nicolás, Argentina -
Oficial Departments:
o Goverment of the Salta. Salta. Argentina –
o New York State Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. New York. USA –
Universities and Schools:
o Vigo University, Spain -
o Pontevedra University, Spain -
o Salamanca University, Spain -
o Granada University, Spain -
o Belgrano University. Argentina -
o Lee Art Center. Arlington. USA –
o Jindezhen Ceramic Art Institute, Sambao, Jindehzen, China
o Foundations- Association:
o Jindezhen Ceramics Association, Jindehezen, China
o Oxiel Art Gallery. New Jersey. USA -
o Patricio's Foundation Bank. Bs.As. Argentina –
o Argentine Solidarity Foundation, Salta. Argentina -
o Public Art
o The Chapel of Art / Capel Celfyddyd, Wales, UK –
o Placas de Artista I and II, Paso de los libres, Corrientes –
o Placas de Artista. Mexico
o Inmigrandtes Museum, Oberá Corrientes –


o Teacher at Direction of Cultural Extension of the High School on Fine Arts, Postgrade Departament, “Ernesto de la Cárcova”. IUNA.
o 2003- Head of the Proyect “Workshop on Design and Ceramic Production”, for the Universitary Institute on Fine Arts (IUNA), with the Administration and Participation Center 12 West (CGP 12 Oeste), of Buenos Aires City Goverment and the Belgrano University.
o 2005 – Head of the proyect “Cerámica Chulucanas” for the the Universitary Institute on Fine Arts (IUNA) and sponsored by the Universitary Institute on Fine Arts (IUNA).
o Teacher at Sociedad Española de Socorros Mutuos de Belgrano.
o 1995 - Visis to the Universities of Vigo and Salamanca to take knowledge of the study plans, sponsored by the the Belgrano University and Sponsored by Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship..
o 2001-2002 - Art columnist oolumnista in TV program “Reflejos” . Canal 69 of Multicanal.
o Invited the III Ceramic Symposium. Municipal Institute of Avellaneda. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
o Coordination of the Seminar “Building” at the Ceramic School , Municipality of Berazategui. Argentina.
o Workshop on Educational Improvement Raku Ceramic for the Educational Formation School of the “Cultural Center of Rigolleau”.
o Workshop on Educational Improvrment for the School of Fine Arts. Mendoza. Argentina.
o Workshop and lecture on “Color Variation in Sawdust Firing” for the Lee Arts Center. Virginia, USA. Sponsored by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship.
o Worshop on Educational Improvement for tha School of Fine Arts in Salta. Argentina.
o Workshop on “Raku” for the Ceramic School, Sierras Bayas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
o Workshop on “Raku” for the Ceramic School, Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
o Coordination of the Seminar “Building” for the Ceramics School , Municipality of Berazategui. Argentina.
o Workshop on “Raku” for the 2º Biennal of Ceramic Art in Villa Gesell. Buenos Aires.
o Workshop on Raku for the First International Art Meeting. Buenos.Aires. Argentina
o Workshop on Raku for the Ceramics School of Concordia. Entre Ríos. Argentina
o Workshop on Modeling Ceramic for the Asociación Italiana de Belgrano.
o Lectures for the Granada University, Spain: “Contemporary Ceramics in Argentina” and “Alejandra Jones: My Work”. Sponsored by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship.
o Lecture on “Alejandra Jones, her work” for the Lee Arts Center Virginia. USA. Sponsored by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship.
o Lecture on Arab Lusters for the Argentine Consulate of Uruguayana , Brazil.
o Lecture at the Sargadelos Seminar, Lugo, Spain “Alejandra Jones: My Work”.
o Lecture at the School of Applied Arts in Lugo, Spain.
o Lecture on “Raku Ceramic” in the Argentine Consulate in Uruguayana, Brazil.
o Lecture para el Educational Institute on Fine Arts “Alfredo S. Pertile”, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.
o Lecture, Video and Pictures on"Raku Technique: Origins, Glasses and Kilns” University of Belgrano. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
o Lecture retrospective of her work, for the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Tandil. Prov. de Bs As.
o Lecture “Alejandra Jones: su obra”, para CGP 14o, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
o Coordination on a worshop in Arte BA’97.
o Demostration on “Raku ceramics” for the Argentino Ceramics Art Center.


o Book: “Cerámica Raku, una técnica una pasión” A.Jones-A.M.Divito, ed. De Belgrano, 1999. 2ª edition: May 2005, Ed. Lumiere.
o Book “Cerámica Raku”, Nino Caruso, Ed.Hoepli, Italia, Pag. 17.
o Book “La cerámica en la Escultura”, Graciela Kartofel, Clay Sculpture, ISBN 970-703-122-0,Ed. Morevallados, Morelia, Micjoacán, Méjico; Cerámica Actual en Latinoamérica, Pag. 49.
o Book “Crónica del Centro Argentino de Arte Cerámico” ISBN987-97202-0-2, 1998. Pag.varias.
o Daily “La Nación”, Belgrano, 28-11-2002, 1º plana y Pag. 3 “El arte, vía laboral para los más necesitados”.
o Daily “La Nación”, Belgrano, 24-10-2002, 1º plana y Pag.3 “El arte de innovar para buscar nuevos caminos”.
o Review “Cerámica” nº 80, 2002 Ed. Antonio Vivas, Madrid, España; Pag. 29, 30 y 31 “ Quema de Pozo o “Tacho””. Y Pag. 81, 82 : “Alejandra Jones: Blancos negros y esfumados”.
o Periodic Artistic • and Technician “Cerámica” nº10, Octubre 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pag. 14, “Técnicas cerámicas con Yehuda Koren”.
o Review “Magazín”, año 8, nº370, Septiembre de 2000, Buenos Aires, “Cerámicas con Filosofía Oriental”, signed Martín Correa Urquiza.
o Periodic Artistic • and Technician “Cerámica” nº5, Mayo 2000, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pag. 7 “Protagonistas”
o Review “Nueva Cerámica y Vidrio”, Año 4, nº 15 Pag. 9 y 10; “Cerámica Raku, Una técnica una pasión”.
o Review “Countries”, año III, Julio de 1999, pag. nº38, “El arte que viene del fuego”
o Daily el Norte, Resistencia, Chaco 15-09-99 “Un Book que explora la centenaria Técnica japonesa de Cerámica Raku.
o Daily “Cidadi”, Uruguayana, Brasil, 31-08-99; “Cerámica Raku, uma técnica, uma paixao”.
o Daily “El Tribuno”, Salta, 30-08-98, “De la mano de Alejandra Jones: Raku una Técnica con acento oriental”.
o Daily “La Nación”, Belgrano, 10-04-97, 1º plana y Pag. 5 “La Magia de la Forma”
o Review “Nueva Cerámica”, Año II, nº7, Pag. 38 y 39; “Reportaje a Alfredo Ratinoff”
o Review “Cerámica” nº 57, 1996, Ed. Antonio Vivas, Madrid, España, Pag. 25 “Solos, Ignotos y desesperados...”
o Review “Big Mag”, Año II n2 8, Agosto 1196, Pag. 57, Sección El Rincón, “Alejandra Jones”.
o Review “Nueva Cerámica” Año II, nº 6, 1996, Pag. 34 “¡Atención! Artistas trabajando frente al público”.
o Periódico “El Latinoamericano”, Nueva York, EEUU, Septiembre 1996, Pag. 15.
o Review “Nueva Cerámica” nº 3, verano 1995, Argentina, Pag. 42, 43 y 44; “Tres argentinas hicieron sus obras en Sargadelos y las exponen en Madrid”.
o Review “First”, nº 106, Julio 1995, Pag., 98, “Alejandra Jones: Escultora y Maestra”
o Daily “La Nación”, Sección Espectáculo, 11-01-95; signed: Aldo Galli.
o Review “Crítica de Arte”, Año XVI nº98, Enero 1995, Madrid, España, Pag.13; signed: Isabel Moran Suarez
o Daily “El Eco de Tandil”, Tandil, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, 3-11-95; “Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, esculturas y cacharros de Alejandra Jones”
o Daily “La Nación” Sección Temas cotidianos, Pag., 3, 23-06-95, “Brújula, Los secretos sobre los orígenes de la cerámica raku”
o Daily “El Economista” Sección Caballete, Pag. 23, 20-01-95 “Ceramistas”, signed Eduardo Baliari.
o Review “Nueva Cerámica” Año I, nº 3, 1995, Pag. 42- 45
o Diario “Clarín”, Suplemento Clarín para todos, Pag. 6 y 7, 27-07-94; “Asignatura Pendiente”, signed: Diana Castelar.
o Daily “El Progreso”, Sargadelos, España, “La cuna de los Ceramistas” signed: Ana Balseiro.
o Review “La actualidad en el arte”, Pag. 50, “Alejandra Jones, La cerámica en libertad”, signed: Monique Sasegur.

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